

no-frills 只包括基本元素的;无装饰的 === bells and whistles 华丽的点缀

You can not see any bells and whistles in his no-frills office. 在他简易的办公室里,你看不到一丝华丽的装饰。

wave/raise/show the white flag 举白旗投降 == say uncle 承认失败,认输 == knuckle under 下跪认输

  • Bro, you just have following options to pick: showing the white flag, saying uncle, or even knucking down. 兄弟,你只有以下几种选择可以选:举白旗投降,承认你输了,或者下跪认输。 (一句话就是,哥们你输定了)

jump ship 跳槽 == a job hopper 频繁跳槽者 === a job hunter 求职者

  • His jumping ship is par for the course, since he is a job hopper. 他跳槽意料之中,他本来就是一个经常换工作的人。

keep/put sb's nose to the grindstone 持续辛勤地工作,努力不懈

  • If you keep your nose to the grindstone, you'll get promotion soon. 只要你努力工作,你很快就可以升职。

be like a millstone around/round the neck of sb 像套在(某人)脖子上的磨盘

  • A mountain of debt is like a millstone around the neck of him. 巨额债务令他不堪重负。

a knock-on effect == a ripple effect == a chain reaction 连锁反应 == the domino effect 多米诺效应

  • The increasing price of pork has a knock-on/ripple effect on the consumptions of other foodstuff. 猪肉价格的上涨对其他食品的消费产生了连锁反应。
  • High unemployment rate is bound to set off a chain reaction in the society. 高失业率必将在社会上引发连锁反应。
  • The domino effect can make or break a brand. 多米诺效应可以成就一个品牌,也可以毁掉一个品牌。
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